A specialist in athletic care
Dr. Lehmann has specialized in sports injuries since becoming head of Lehmann Chiropractic.
He finds that treating a sports injury is not much different from treating patients over 50. The process of inflammation is the same for someone who is 15 or 65. The big difference is how quickly young athletes can respond to treatment. Chiropractic care and massage is an ideal aid in recovery from the injuries found in contact sports, like football. But track athletes, tennis players, and gymnasts all suffer from muscle extension and the impact of their feet (and other body parts) on hard surfaces. Chiropractic care is a great way to bring your body back from the aftershocks of fun and games.
Every year coaches, athletic directors, and parents send their athletes to our clinic, and, by now, we’ve done thousands of athletic physicals.
As a past all-state athlete and 2-sport team captain, Dr. Lehmann has a real affinity for sports of all kinds, and understands the psyche high school and college athletes (as well as weekend warriors). Active kids and adults are willing to trade the pain for the gain, but need help in recovering from their chosen activities. We want you to excel in your sport, and we’ll not only treat you thoroughly, but show you helpful exercises to add to your routine.
Relief for Athletes